Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cultural Culinary Adventures Presents

Join us for some cooking fun!

Post Event Update (December 8, Quick Appetizers and Cocktails)

What: It was, a lovely evening of appetizers and cocktails, complete with cooking, eating, sipping, and great conversation. We will post about it soon, including recipes.
When: Behind us now - leaving us looking forward to the next event...romantic dinner ideas for Valentine's Day...
Where: Last time Rylla's sSk*, next time, who knows?
Cost: worth every minute, every rappen, for the organizers, hopefully the attendees also.
RSVP: Do let us know how it goes playing with the recipes. Email us at expatkochen@gmail.com.

Just in time for the holidays, an impromptu "cooking together" event! We will prepare some easy, tasty appetizers for you to whip up for last minute guests or to take with you when you're invited out. We'll also try out a couple of festive cocktails, of both the alcoholic and non alcoholic variety. If you care to join in the fun, email us at the above address.

*small Swiss kitchen

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